Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Here we go...

Ok, ok ok...I am going to try this blog thing!! I was convienced by a very good friend of mine, that this is what I need to do to keep others up to date. So, not only do I have to make sure I keep up on my kids scrapbooks, but I need to make sure I post to this blog!! No, really I would like to give it a try. Maybe this will end up being more therapy for me then anything else. Even if no one else reads it, I will be able to record the events of the Andersen household.

This is my first rule though...even if I spelled something wrong, I meant to do it and/or I do not want to know.

Life has been good for us lately. Kids are growing like crazy and I am enjoying every minute of being their mom. I have good kids!! Jacob is into another year of preschool and is getting bored with the whole thing. He is ready for Kindergarden. Paige just turned 2 (two days ago)! She is definently my child...attitude and all.

I am excited to tell others about the events in our lives...so stay tunned!!


Richard said...

This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing. We all had fun in Rexburg and was happy for the bonding. Thanks to all for showing support for mom in her greef time. Dad

Unknown said...

Nice blog Amy, I'll remember not to go to bed early anymore.

b. said...

Atta girl, Amy!