Monday, February 11, 2008

Apartment Update!!

It has really been a long and frustrating week. We have spent almost every waking moment down at that apartment working to get it ready to rent. Neil also decided it would be best to take two days off of work to get things moving. Of course, things NEVER go according to plan, but I am very VERY glad to say that despite a few minor set backs…we are DONE!!!! The painting and patch work took two days longer then expected. Of course, the holes were more extensive then we originally thought. It seems that whenever we turned around there was another one that showed up. We also had to replace almost all the doors, because they came with holes too. We got carpet installed on Thursday and doors, sinks, and lights installed on Friday. I also decided that I was not going to break my back cleaning that nasty horrid place myself, so I called a sweet lady we have used before to come and clean. I think she was confused as to why there were remains of a charcoal fire in the stove, and potatoes that had sprouted and were growing in the cabinets.

We went down there Sat. morning to do the light finish work and to get a contract signed!! Yes, I also have a tenant. They moved in on Sat. so I am officially done with the place.

It is hard to look at the benefits of things when you are sitting in the middle of a trial like this. You ask yourself why the Lord has put this trial in your lives. What have we done to deserve this? For us, a trial like this could be financially devastating. We are still new in this Landlord business. Although, we have had apartments for about 7 years, as many of you know they are not quick money makers. It takes years to get to a good cash flow status. When we have an apartment go vacant, especially when we have one that leaves us with huge repair work, it can be disastrous. We can look back and see the blessings that have come from this. This lady was not a tenant we would have chosen. She lived there when we bought the place and we knew that it would be bad when she moved out. We were not expecting this bad, but at least she is out. Now, we are just waiting for the next tenant to call us with a bomb to drop.

I was not able to take a lot of pictures. It seems that there was always some one somewhere or some mess that still needed to be cleaned up...but I will get more posted.


Queen Creek Chaffee's said...

Good for you it looks brand new!!! I always go threw trials thinking "Ok I have to change what I need to fast so the trial can be over". Trials are huge blessings to us. We dont notice it until we can look back and see our growth. Hey by the way when is your due date? Mine is Aug 29!!!!I miss you!!

Amy A. said...

Alysen- call me...I can not find your number

Chris said...

Amy, it looks great- good job on the clean up. I know Neil was pretty stressed about the whole thing, -you guys blew through it like it was no big deal! Nice work. I hope it goes better from here on out!