Monday, May 25, 2009

Kindergarden Graduation

What fun it is to see your children grow! To see them move through the stages of life. To see them experience the same struggles you remember facing when you were a child. With these struggles also comes the satisfaction and confidence that they CAN DO IT!!

Jacob has finished his first year of school and is now moving on the the FIRST GRADE!! Man I feel old!! It has been a good year for him. He has loved his class and his teacher, Mrs. Hales. He loves to learn and this is something I hope he always enjoys doing.

We went to his Kindergarden graduation where he, along with his class, showed us some of the things they have learned this last year. They sang some songs and they each had a line to say in the program.
Here are a few pictures from the event....

1 comment:

b. said...

He's so cute...Look at that grin!
Congratulations Jacob!