She is almost 10 months old. She had her 9 month check up today... I told you life has been crazy. Here are her stats:
18 pounds & 24"
Placing her in the 10% for height and 25% for weight.
She may look chunky, but the poor girl is simply short! Takes after her mom. She scooting around, yep not crawling, just scooting. Although she is really getting fast. She just has not figured out how to get onto all fours. She is getting her second tooth in, although I only knew it because she bit down hard on my finger! She never complains, perfect sweet baby of mine!
We love you baby Kallie!
Watch out for the sweet, good babies. My sweet good baby is now a 5 year old packed with attitude! In other words, stubborn, mean, backtalks. Still love her to death though.
Hope Kallie doesn't change though.
She is sooo cute!!! Look at how much hair she has. Such fun things going on at your house.
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