Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Well, it kind of worked

Yes, I guess I am proud to say that I got MOST of the things done on my list!! I do not know if posting for all my friends and family to see helped or not, but I did get them done. This week I am getting ready for Thanksgiving. It is at our house this year which comes with its own set of "To Do's."

I have to get the house clean and then the challenge comes in keeping it that way. It takes me so long to clean this house. Vacuuming it takes a good half hour alone. I was once told though that if you have a party at your house to not clean it until after it is done. That way, the house is clean for you and will stay that way longer. I do not know if I completly agree, but I guess I can see the idea behind it.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

So when did you go to Russia and China? That's pretty cool. I know what you mean. I have wasted away my day today and I have got to get moving. I need to get off the computer. I just love checking out everyone's blogs! Oh well. It was fun last night at mutual!