Saturday, November 3, 2007

Happy Birthday Son!

Happy Birthday Jacob!! I can not believe I am old enough to have a FIVE year old. When did this happen? It is the old time cliche of "Time Flies" but man, it really seems like it has. I watch this little boy grow up before my eyes. Watch him as he experiences the trials that come with it. I see his struggles and his triumphs and am so proud of who he is becoming. The job of being a mother is always so fulfilling when I look at the little people I am raising and am able to see the adults they are turning into. Before I know it, I am going to be sending this little man off onto his mission and then off to start a family of his own. I know my time is limited and I what to make a daily effort to raise the type of man that will be strong and courageous.

Jacob has such a tender heart. He is a pleaser and wants everyone around him to be happy. I can see the concern on his face when there is tension or sadness in others. Jacob has so many great qualities about him. He is a good friend and a good brother. I am proud of who he is and who he is becoming.

Jacob, know that I love you. Know that your Dad loves you and know that your sister love you. You are a special part of our family. I hope you continue to grow up with that smile on your face which spreads to others around you. I hope you know of the joy you bring to the people that know you. Happy Birthday to you!!

1 comment:

Queen Creek Chaffee's said...

What a great tribute, he is a cutie