Saturday, November 1, 2008

Jacob - 6 years old and counting

Have there ever been times in your life when you ask yourself... am I really that old? Times when you look closely in the mirror at those wrinkles that are starting to appear along side your eyes. When you realize that some things are taking you a bit longer to do now. When your kids are starting to ask you NOT to walk them to class anymore. When you start to relate more to the mothers of High School students then to the High School Students themselves. When you know that that guy is not "checking you out" anymore...probably because you are now driving a minivan full of kids rather then that cute little four door you used to drive. Knowing that I am soon to be the mother of a 6 year old has made me ask myself these questions alot more lately. Am I really that old? I do not think that this question will ever go away. I have passed that threshold. I have passed over to the other side. I am not a young mom anymore. I have a SIX YEAR OLD and my kids are only going to get older. With all that being said... now comes excepting it... I guess I am going to have to work on that.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Life flies by and it just keeps getting faster and faster. . .