Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Been Tagged!!

I was tagged by Tammy

Instructions:Three people will be tagged.You have to answer the questions, then post on the person tagged, let them know they are tagged, and then they post the answers. It is always fun to learn more about people!!!

12 Years Ago I was: Ok - what year is it? ...'08 that would make it '96... I was in my freshman year at Ricks Collage. Still awkward and thinking that my Husband would be around the next corner. Living with five roommates I really did not have anything in common with.

5 Things on my To Do List Today:

  1. Clean clean clean...
  2. Finally get me some maternity pants...can not put it off any longer
  3. Go to Robert's crafts for a floral centerpiece
  4. Go to Albertson's for the sales this week
  5. Find something for dinner my Husband will not complain about

Things I would do if I became a billionaire:

  1. Tithing of course is #1
  2. Pay off all our properties and enjoy the payback!!
  3. Get us a house with some land and maybe a few chickens!!
  4. Maybe, just maybe allow my Husband to get his motorcycle

3 of my bad habits

First of took me a while to think of any :)

  1. Talking over Neil when we argue
  2. I tend to put things off that need to get done
  3. Yep...that is all of them

Places I would like to live or visit:

  1. Greece
  2. Jerusalem
  3. Tahiti
  4. I would like to go back to Malaysia to visit

Jobs I will never have:

  1. Hair Dresser
  2. Waitress (always wanted to try it though)
  3. Fast food

Things Most People Don't Know About Me:

  1. I lived five of my teenage years living overseas - Malaysia & England
  2. My house was destroyed in a tornado my senior year of High School
  3. My husband never formally proposed to me...still waiting for that one
  4. I love INDIAN FOOD!!!

YOU ARE TAGGED: Heather, Brooke, & Carter

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