Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You may think this is a joke but think again!!

It has been a while since my last post... I did not want to have people leaving me nasty comments about my lack of effort or anything, so here is the latest.

Remember just last week how I said that my tenant defaulted on her lease because her sister was committed to a mental hospital? Also, remember how I said I had a new tenant moving in the very next day...oh, and how I said she seemed nice? Well, here it is....

This second tenant...we will just call her dummy... had plans of moving in last Sat. Neil and I showed up EARLY at the apartment on Sat. to clean, repair, improve, and do all other things you do when you have a move-out/move-in situation. We were there (with our two children) for 8 hours getting the apartment ready to go. Dummy calls me around 2:00 to ask if she could come over and do a walk-through with me prior to getting her keys and loading her truck to start moving in. I said sure and she came right over. We walked through the apartment together and discussed some minor things that still needed to be done. Things like an outlet cover, touching up a wall, removing the old water heater that was just replaced...small things like that. She was fine with it and said nothing. She leaves after giving me the remainder of the rent for the month and starts to load the trucks to move her things over. Neil and I leave...FINALLY... to head home for the day.

About four hours later the phone calls start. She wants to know why there faucet outside had a small drip, she wanted to know why the outlet upstairs did not work...all things we said we did not know, but would look into. Finally, she tells us that she just wants out of her lease. She did not want to live there and she wants her deposit and rent back. WHAT AN IDIOT!!

Did she forget she signed a binding lease? Did she think that she could just decide that she wanted to break it? Anyway, she moved all of her things back out that same day... cancelled her rent check on us...and is suing us for her deposit money.

Could things get any better? Why do these things only happen to us? What are we doing wrong? So, since Feb 1st... I have had a tenant leave without notice, costing me THOUSANDS of $$$ worth of damage. We were able to completely tear it apart and rebuild it in a week and get another tenant in there. This tenant defaults 45 days later because of mental issues. I get another tenant in the very day after she moves out, but this one also moves out the very same day. So in two months, I have gone through 3 tenants!! WHAT IS WRONG HERE?

Yes, for those wondering, I have another tenant moving in on Thursday :)

It is almost so crazy it is makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time.

Here are pictures of our PG apartment, so you know we are not slumlords!!


Sherri said...

I think you need to invest in a specialist who comes and evaluates your new tenants for psychological stableness. Good gravy! I would be at my end!

I will be praying for your success with this tenant.

Tammy said...

Yikes! I don't know how you can handle all that. Renting can make you money,but sometimes it can be crazy. What a crazy few months you have had