Friday, May 30, 2008

Something from the Lost World

I found this article today on MSNBC It is simply amazing to me. A never before discovered tribe was found deep in the jungles of Brazil, near Peru. The tribe people reacted when a plane flew over their village by raising their arrows up in the sky at the plane. Is this the first time they have ever seen a plane? I can not help but wonder what is going through their heads at that moment. This shelter and yet protected world that they live in. The everyday problems they experience are so much different then the things we worry about today. I am sure the worry about the more real things... food, water, shelter and health. AMAZING!! Simply Amazing! They paint their bodies with red paint. It truly is something you would see in a movie.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

That is so crazy! They're probably still having nightmares from the big "monster bird"!