Friday, May 30, 2008

Times have changed

I have not posted much about this latest pregnancy of mine. I do not know why...I think that it could be because when you are on #3, things just are not as exciting anymore. I mean, we are excited and all, but the pregnancy is nothing to focus on...I just want this baby here!!

  1. I remember with my first one, I could not wait to wear maternity clothes. I think I was in them by 12 weeks. This time... I am still not wearing maternity pants and I am on week 30.
  2. I used to love to stay awake at night feeling the little kicks and pokes...but now.... I wish this kid would stop moving!! I want my sleep!
  3. With the first one, I went out and bought the carseat and stroller within the first trimester. This time, since I sold everything after Paige, I still have not bought a new one and have no idea which one to get.
  4. I had the nursery all set up months before my first one arrive. Now... I have no idea where this one is even going to sleep. Do I get rid of my cherished "toy room" to make a nursery and leave the other two bedrooms the same. Do I move Jacob and Paige together into one room to leave a "toy room" and nursery? Do I put her in our room and forgo our cherished sleep? These are things I think I should be figuring out.

On top of all of that... I feel as big as a house. I wish I could climb the stairs without being out of breath. I am sick of having to pee 50x a day. I feel like I am squishing this kid every time I bend over and I STILL do not have a name. I do not even have my top three. This poor girl is going to remain nameless. Yes, these are now the things I think about. Man, is having #3 so different then #1!

1 comment:

b. said...

Being big as a house and not being in maternity pants by week 30 don't exactly coincide, do they?

I ran into your darling sister dana at the store....too cute. You are blessed....a great family of origin, two cute kids and one on the way, things couldn't be any more exciting!