Wednesday, October 15, 2008


WHY WHY WHY? Why is it that a child can not just go to bed and stay in bed? WHY? Is it because that child has turned the terrible age of THREE? I can hardly keep my eyes open today. Paige had a record number of times out of her bed. Usually, if she struggles to go to bed she will at least stay there once she falls asleep... but not last night.

Here is a summery of my night.

7:30 - put all the kids to bed... including Kallie
7:45 - Paige has her light on and is changing her clothes
8:00 - Paige has her light on and is changing her clothes... again!!!
8:15 - Paige needs to go to the bathroom... again
8:30 - Paige needs a drink
9:00 - All kids are finally asleep
10:30 - I feed Kallie for the last time and I go to sleep
11:45 - Paige wakes me up by standing next to my bed (put her back in her bed)
1:00 - Paige come in my room and wakes me up (put her back in her bed)
1:30 - Kallie wakes up and wants to be fed - feed her and put her back in bed
1:45 - Paige AGAIN wakes up and is naked standing next to my bed (put her back in her bed)
5:30 - Paige wakes up and is standing in the loft NAKED and crying (put her back in her bed)
6:00 - Paige is at her door crying NAKED (put her back in her bed)
6:30 - Kallie needs to be fed
7:15 - All kids are up and in my room

Also, what is with Paige needing to undress herself everytime she gets out of bed. She tells me that she takes her long, footed, zipper up PJ's off because she is cold!!! DUGH!! Put your stupid PJ's on and you will not be cold. Then trying to talk reason to a three year old at 1:00 in the morning is pointless. Kallie had a bad night too!! I think they were conspiring together last night to see just how far they could push me before I lost it. I am going today on little sleep and I am not a nap person. There is too much to get done in the day to sleep. I will just have to wait until tonight to recover.

Anyone what a three year old?


Laurie said...

You make me nervous for my third, although I guess that it's not the baby that is the big problem here. Good luck. I hope tonight everyone sleeps much better!

Heather-hoo Andersen said...

Me! Me! Me! I will take Paige. I love that little kid. :0) She reminds me so much of Madisen at that age. You could always do what Jared and I did. We told Madisen that if she got out of bed "one more time" that we would put her outside to sleep for the night. It only took putting her outside for 30 seconds in the dark one night for her to decide that her bed was where it was at!! Good luck....This stage will pass.

Chris said...

Are you serious? Really? Do you want a typed up list of my horrible day??? Dont make me pull out the pen and paper! PUT THE SMACK DOWN. DO IT. DO IT NOW. Not only do we deal with murderers, sex offenders, rapists, and all forms of crap- now we have to come up with a list. PUT THE SMACK DOWN on that child- and send her to her room. End of story. Call me if you need detailed instructions. I'll walk ya though it. "call me!"

Amy A. said...

chris - now you are writing your comments after conspiring with my husband? did i mention he never got up once!! not once! he just snored away... at least someone got some sleep and do not let him tell you otherwise

Dana P said...

I am sorry Ame. I hope Paige sleeps better tonight. That little rascal makes me laugh though. She is going to be great as a teenager!! She can come live at my house though, Al would love a sister!!

Paige said...

She makes me smile. I'm so happy to know that there are other children as stubborn as mine. I am seriously convinced that she and Liam are soul mates. However, maybe they are too much alike...

Amy A. said...

paige - I can only hope that Liam and her are soul mates. Lets hope they come to the same conclusion one day.