Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Miracle Cure

Both of my kids have "their blanket." It is something I bring with me to the hospital when I have them and put them to sleep with each night. So, yes, I bring this on myself. But, it is security for them and then it turns into great childhood memories. Although each of my kids are attached to their blankets, they are also able to go without them. They love their blankets and find comfort in them. So, when Jacob fell last night on his scooter, Neil told him that if he was to wrap his foot in his blanket (like a cast) then it will feel better in the morning. I found it cute and funny, but to each him own.

Anyway, when we went to check on him last night before bed, we found him asleep with his blanket wrapped around him leg. Now, I knew these were special blankets and they brought comfort to my kids, but man, this blanket really worked miracles. I asked him in the morning how his foot felt and he told me it was "ALL BETTER."

Good thing for small miracles...and our special blankets!!


Tammy said...

if it works, do it. I think it is a good idea to have something to comfort them. My kids took a pacy, but now they have nothing so it's hard.

Rachael said...

Maybe you should try wrapping YOUR thread-baren BLANKIE (yes now the secrets out)around your tummy and lets see if we can't get a little miracle going for you! :)