Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My little Ninja

Since Jacob has always loved the kicks and jumps that come with superhero and video games, we decided that we would give karate a chance. I put him in a local karate school a few weeks back and he has LOVED it. L-O-V-E-D IT!!! He looks forward to his classes twice a weeks and has really opened up. One of the reasons I wanted to get him involved in it was because he is usually a very shy kid. He does not talk to alot of grown-ups or kids. He plays well with others, but is not extremely extroverted. So, I thought Karate would give him a good opportunity to learn great social skills and confidence. It has already started working and I can see the good it has done.

One of his first classes, he was able to learn some kicks and punches...both of which I think Jacob is naturally good at. He was so proud of himself when he realized he could kick higher then his head!! The look on his face when he was able to punch his fist through a board was priceless!!

GOOD JACOB! Keep up the hard work.


Tammy said...

punch his fist through a board??? woah!! Way to go! I have always thought about putting Broc in Karate, where do you take Jacob?

Amy A. said...

tammy - do you get my responses through this too? I am not sure. I will leave a comment on your blog just in case. There is a karate place next to the Kmart here in Spanish. I can not remember the name. It is twice a week. You should take Broc. Any more questions, let me know.

Rachael said...

He sure didn't get his "introvertness" from his mother now did he? He looks so cute. We had our two older boys in that school, and I loved the "life lessons" they sneak in along with the ninja moves.