Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here are some updated pictures of Kallie. I think babies change so much the first few weeks. She looks alot different already to me. I do think this little baby is a girl version of Jacob. She looks alot more like him then she does Paige.

She is such a sweet little girl. It is not very often that you hear her cry. When she is awake, she is really alert and calm. She loves to listen to what is going on around her. I swear she smiles at us too.


Chris said...

Glad to see and hear that you are back to your normal fun loving self! I was getting worried there for a bit! I was wondering if I would ever see you again! Now that your back to yourself- lets all do dinner sometime! I'll have my people call your people!

Chalan said...

Cute pictures. She is so cute! I know what you mean about being that old. I can't believe Blythe's in Kindergarten either. Looks like you've been enjoying good reading- great books!

M & M + 4 said...

She is so dang cute!