Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just a bit confused

Let me just start out by saying that this is my first time sending a child to school and I had a baby two weeks ago which definitely killed off some brain cells...ok, with all that said I will now admit something that may cause some ridicule and mocking from fellow parents of school children.

We all woke up yesterday ready for the first day of school. We had breakfast, got out the video camera, took pictures on the front step, put on the backpack and then loaded in the car to head off to the elementary school for Jacobs first day. I was glad to see that Jacob really was excited. He was not scared or nervous, he was really excited. When we got there, Jacob told me he wanted to run in by himself, but it is my right to take my son all the way to the door for his first day. I wanted my hug and to have my sad moment of him going off to start his school life.

Oh yea, and I saw just about everyone I knew walking into the school with us to take their kids to their classrooms. It was not until I got to his classroom when I noticed the lights were off and the door was closed. A little confused, we went to the office. In the office was more people from my ward and neighborhood. It was not until a conversation with the office lady where I felt like I was speaking a different language, that she laughed and said... "Honey, Kindergarten does not start until next week!" Yea, and everyone else laughed too!!

Ok, what planet have I been on? Was I the only one that missed the memo that Kindergarten started a week later then everyone else. We even went to the school the day before to meet his teacher and I never clued into this little fact. How come no one I saw or talked to as we walked into the school said... "You have a Kindergartner? They do not start until next week."

Needless to say, Jacob was VERY disappointed. I was more sad for him then for my stupid mistake. His shoulders slugged down the whole way back to the car. We are now onto another countdown for the real start of Kindergarten.


Jake, Mel, and Girls said...

You're just an on-the-ball mother, there's nothing wrong with that! :)

Rachael said...

Blame it on his teacher for not reminding you. . . :) What was she thinking?

Stephanie said...

I thought you were there for his kindergarten assessment! Poor guy! He was sooo excited! Well, I hope that when the real day comes he has just as much enthusiam!

Stephanie said...
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Karen said...

Oh, I wish that I'd known! Kindergarten always does pre-assessment the first week of school. Shoot. Sorry for Jacob. I hope he's still excited to go.

Tammy said...

I am sure there were TONS of other moms who did the same thing. The first week is for assessments with his teacher. Did you sign up? That should be sometime soon for you so you might need to haul it back to the school. Broc did his on Wednesday. It is just to see what they know and don't know. But it's ok, he's all warmed up for next week! it's a good thing you took pictures, hehe