Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I am still alive... bearly though

I know it has been forever since my last post. That is because when I am not feeding a baby, changing a baby or referring between two other children, I am sleeping.

MY HATS OFF TO THOSE WHO HAVE THREE OR MORE KIDS!! I truly admire you!! Everyone has always said that going from two to three was the hardest. I believe them!! Yes, one was hard...two was a little harder, but three!! We are outnumbered!! Someone always has a need. Someone always has a compliant. Someone is always hungry or needs a nap. This is my life now. I love it and would not change it, but it is hard and I am tired!!

So, for this reason, I have been bad about posting. Life is returning to normal. Well, as normal as it can be. I am getting the hang of a newborn again. Neil was able to take almost two weeks off of work. He returned yesterday forcing me to get into normal life. Although I was anxious to get life back to normal, I was terrified to do this on my own.

I had to take the kids to two doctors appointments yesterday. Jacob and Paige were in need of getting their shots up to date so they could go to school. Paige only had to have one shot, but poor poor Jacob had to have FIVE!! I was anxious over having to take three kids to the doctors office by MYSELF and wrestle with two kids while they are being poked!! Fortunately Neil was off of work in time to help me hold them down.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I'm glad things are returning to "normal" for you. And to see the new baby pics. Adorable!!!!!