Thursday, August 7, 2008


I will never doubt Castol Oil again!! I told you in my last post that I was desperate and I would try anything. So, anything I did. That stuff is nasty, gross, and still the thought of it makes me want to throw up. I took it with Paige and it did not work, but I did not care... like I said, I was desperate!! I put some in scrambled eggs this time... so it was not too bad but the thought of it still makes me want to throw up.

I took it at 5:00 pm and went to bed frustrated at 10:00 that nothing was happening. It was then that I realized I was having really bad cramps. They were not what I thought labor pains felt like, so I decided to call my sister-in-law who is a labor & delivery nurse at the hospital I was going to deliver at. She said it sounded like prelabor and to watch it for a few hours and call her back. Finally at 2:00 am, I decided that I was going to chance being turned away at the hospital and go in to be monitored. After being hooked up to a machine for an hour, they told me I was in active labor and admitted me. I WAS SO RELIEVED!! Finally, this baby was going to be coming!! Things progressed really quickly from there. My water was broke at 7:30 and with 3 quick pushes, she arrived at 9:50 wednesday morning.

Things went really really well! She is a healthy beautiful baby girl. She was 7 pounds 4 ounces and 19 1/2" long. I was really thinking I was going to have a 8+ pounder. The other shocker is that she has alot of BROWN hair. I thought I only had blondies. She is a also a sweet baby. Really easy, peaceful and happy.

So we have officially named her Kallie May Andersen. Both Paige and Kallie have variations of my first name as their middle name. Paige is Mya, and Kallie is May. I joke that this will have to be my last girl because the only thing left would be Yam.

I go home tommorrow to start my life with three children. Am I ready for this? I guess we will see. My kids already love her. Jacob is a very proud big brother!! He loves to help and hold her and will kiss her forhead whenever he can.


Chris said...

Congrats! She looks just like your other kids. So Cute! Traci

Dana P said...

She already is looking different! I think she is just a beautiful little girl and I am so glad things went well during the delivery. Congratulations, I love you!!!

Chris said...

I CALLED IT!!! I SAID IT WOULD BE WEDNESDAY- AND VOILA! You need me. You want me. You wish you had me. Anytime you need advise- I'm there. -Especially because I am ALWAYS right on the money! Congratz!!!! Cute-Cute-Cute! We are so happy for you!

Rachael said...

She's adorable!!!! So are the pictures. Jacob & Paige look so in love with her. They are going to be great helpers. Congratulations. I'm glad you didn't have to go to your next doctors appointment. :)

Jake, Mel, and Girls said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful!

Heather-hoo Andersen said...

What a beautiful baby girl!! I think she looks a lot like Jacob did when he was first born. Anyway - hope things adjust to "normal with three kids" for you shortly. We love you all!! - Heather A.

Cinderella Suzy's said...

Soooooo AdOrAbLe!!!!! I just want to steal her away. :)

I think she looks like you Amy.

Karen said...

Oh, she's so cute. Brandi was dying to leave camp so she could come see your sweetie. Congratulations. We sure missed you at camp. But don't worry, I kept you in all of our memories by farting and yelling, "Halt, who goes there? Show yourself!"

Porter Family said...

Congratulations! It's Neil's cousin, Amy. I'm so happy for you! I can't believe you drank that stuff! Girl, you must have been desperate. I just had my third in Feb. and it's great. Don't want to venture off on errands anymore with all the kids, but life is wonderful. They grow so darn fast. Congrats again! HOpe you are getting some sleep.
-amy (andersen) porter

Crystal said...

Yea! Congrats! I can't wait to see her! :) Good luck with life with 3! It's always an adventure! Let me know if you need anything!

Tammy said...

Hoorah for no more baby in your tummy! She sure is cute and it was great to see you last week. Each kid is so different, I got a blonde, a brunette and a red-head, go figure! I am glad she is it still that way? Hopefully.