Monday, July 14, 2008

Evening Prayers

Every night the kids argue over who's turn it is to say prayers. Tonight was no different. However, Paige won out and she immediately started into her prayer even before we were all situated on our knees. She does pretty good getting herself started and then she will get to a point where she does not know what else to say. Tonight, Neil jumped in and helped her along...

Neil - "Please bless we will sleep good..."
Paige - "Bless we sleep good"
Neil - "Please bless we have a good day tomorrow"
Paige - "A good day morrow"
Neil - "Please bless we will go right to bed and not get out"
Paige - "..........................." silence
Neil - "Please bless we will go to bed and not get out"
Paige - "........................." again silence
Neil - attempts one more time "please bless we will stay in our beds"
Paige - "...................." not a word
Neil - "Please bless we will be listen to our mom and dad"
Paige - "Listen to mom and dad"

I could not stop myself from laughing! She would not repeat Neil about the staying in bed part, but when he moved on to something else, she was right there with him. That is my typical Paige. And yes, she got out of her bed over 8 times tonight! It is like she was preparing us for it.


Chris said...

Funny Funny!!! Great new background! I like it better than the last- sorry!

Chalan said...

Amy that is so cute! I love it. Also looks like your spa day was fun! :)

Crystal said...

Gosh! That sounds familiar! Did you get a new background? I love it! Did you lose any of your "stuff" when you changed? I've heard that sometimes you lose all your contacts etc.

Rachael said...

Paige is one smartie. She knows you don't pray for things you really don't want!!! LOL. That was a good try though, Neil. :)

Tammy said...

ha, kids so funny! What would we do without all of these funny moments!